How Seal-Sensor PQX Ensures Pouch Seal Quality?

In the intricate world of packaging, where the slightest imperfection can lead to significant consequences, ensuring the integrity of pouch seals is non-negotiable. Whether it's safeguarding the freshness of food, the efficacy of pharmaceuticals, or the quality of industrial products, the seal is the frontline defense against contamination and spoilage. Enter Seal-Sensor PQX – a revolutionary solution engineered to elevate pouch seal inspection to unprecedented levels of precision and reliability. 

Seal-Sensor PQX is an innovative solution designed to meticulously examine and validate the seals of pouch packaging, guaranteeing they meet stringent quality standards. By leveraging advanced technology and precision engineering, Seal-Sensor PQX offers manufacturers a reliable means to detect and address seal defects with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. 

Factors Affecting Pouch Seal Quality

Several factors can affect the quality of pouch seals, especially in industries like food packaging or pharmaceuticals where maintaining product freshness and integrity is crucial. Here are some of the key factors: 

  • Material Selection: The type and quality of materials used for the pouch and the seal layer are critical. Different materials have different properties, such as heat resistance and barrier properties, which can affect the seal quality. 
  • Sealing Temperature: The temperature at which the sealing process occurs is crucial. It should be sufficient to melt the seal layer but not too high to cause damage to the pouch material or compromise the seal integrity. 
  • Sealing Pressure: The pressure applied during sealing affects the contact between the sealing surfaces and the effectiveness of the seal. Too much pressure can damage the pouch or cause uneven seals, while too little pressure can result in weak seals. 
  • Seal Quality Testing: Regular testing of seal integrity is essential to identify any issues early on. Various methods such as visual inspection, dye penetration testing, and burst testing can be employed to assess seal quality. 
  • Environmental Conditions: Factors such as humidity and ambient temperature can impact the sealing process. Controlling these variables within the production environment is important for consistent seal quality. 
By carefully controlling these factors and implementing quality assurance measures, manufacturers can ensure consistent and reliable pouch seal quality, minimizing the risk of product spoilage or contamination. 

Pouch Seal Quality Inspection Using Seal-Sensor PQX

The Seal-Sensor PQX is a fully automated solution for inspecting and handling pouch seals. It features a built-in conveyor that seamlessly integrates with existing production lines. Utilizing PTI's Seal-Sensor Airborne Ultrasonic technology, it rapidly scans the final pouch seal online. This technology is recognized by ASTM Test Method F3004 and meets FDA consensus standards for ensuring seal quality. Seal-SensorTM utilizes Airborne Ultrasonic Technology to examine the final pouch seal 100% online and without causing damage. It offers a deterministic, quantitative, rapid, and reliable method for scrutinizing pouch seals for imperfections.  

Seal-Sensor identifies inadequate seals, sections of seals that are partial or weak, and various common seal defects that may appear visually acceptable but contain issues affecting product quality and shelf life. With a single linear scan (L-Scan) of the pouch seal, Seal-Sensor delivers a pass/fail result and provides quantitative, traceable data in less than one second. When operating at high speeds, a quick linear scan of the pouch seal enables immediate verification of seal quality. Test data is generated within seconds. 

The Seal-Sensor PQX offers a plug-and-play solution for inline inspection of pouch seal quality. This user-friendly system is easy to install, with a compact footprint and a full-screen HMI that displays test results as pouches are scanned. It can achieve inspection speeds of up to 350 mm/sec. Equipped with a built-in reject chute, it promptly removes defective pouches from the line, while a built-in stack light simplifies the identification of pass/fail outcomes. 

Seal-Sensor PQX Benefits

  • 100% pouch seal inspection 
  • Easy integration into production lines 
  • Adjustable for different size pouches 
  • Manual load or robotic pick & place 
  • Built-in reject  
In conclusion, the Seal-Sensor PQX stands as a formidable guardian of pouch seal quality. Through its advanced technology and meticulous inspection process, it ensures that pouch seals meet the highest standards of integrity, which is crucial for preserving product freshness and safety. As a result, manufacturers can trust the Seal-Sensor PQX to deliver consistent and reliable performance, safeguarding their products and maintaining consumer confidence. 


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