VeriPac 455 for Ophthalmic Product Package Inspection

Ophthalmic products are available in a variety of packaging types and are used for a range of eye care procedures. Foil - covered blister packs for single - use contacts are also included in the forms for liquid - filled packaging , along with soft containers with snap - on or torque screw tops. Most contact lens solutions match certain chemical characteristics of the ocular region while cleaning, sanitizing, lubricating, and removing protein deposits from the lens. Although these solutions may disinfect, contamination is a greater concern due to the fact that they share characteristics with ocular fluids and new bacterial and fungus strains are becoming more resilient. The risk of contaminating the ophthalmic solution increases significantly in the presence of any channel, breach, or microleak in the container seal. Therefore, Container Closure Integrity Testing ( CCIT ) of ophthalmic products is critical. Vacuum D ecay technology is a deterministic CCI testing technique...